Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Yes, I am almost a week late with this post and NO this has no reflection on how I will be as a father. However, Erica is a bit concerned that I will not wake up in the middle of the night when the baby is crying. We will see...
Anyway, on to baby talk. We had our second doctors visit last week and got to see another ultrasound. Unfortunately it was not as exciting as the first one. This could be due to the fact that we waited 90 minutes at the doctors office before getting to see the doctor which was only exacerbated by the fact that Erica had not eaten all day and was a little on edge anyway. As I said before, we got to see our baby, which by all accounts appears to healthy and growing as expected. The best part of the visit was when we saw a our baby move. Now the movement was very brief and we only realized what had happened after the doctor pointed it out, but we saw it move non-the-less. There are pictures below, I know these look very similar to the first pictures but I can assure you they are new.
At this point the baby is supposed to be the size of a prune (as described by the ever so insightful book “What to Expect...”), just a note to future fathers-to-be you can skip the Father section. Anyway, please do not refer to the kid as baby prune, I have realized the error of my ways from the last time I call my kid a piece of fruit (I can't tell you how many people have made a reference to baby blueberry and realistically this is not something I want to stick with the child as it grows up).

1 comment:

  1. Umm, I really liked referring to your baby as "baby blueberry". It gave me a great comparison visual. I vote you continue to use fruit in your blogs, it's not only informative, but also makes me hungry

